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Below you can read more about the individual programmes.

Programmes under Ministry of Environment and the Ministry for Food, Agriculture and Fisheries


MUDP is an abbreviation for ‘Environmental Technology Development and Demonstration Programme’.

MUDP is a programme administered by the Ministry of Environment of Denmark that supports the development, testing and demonstration of environmentally efficient technology. MUDP supports projects in everything from water and climate adaptation to air, chemicals, resources, waste and sustainable construction. MUDP was established in 2007 and supports the government’s objectives for green transformation and the promotion of green technology within the environmental field. Furthermore, MUDP helps to ensure coherence between the environmental policy goals and the companies’ investments in the development of new environmental technology. MUDP will strengthen the competitiveness and production of Danish companies and thus Denmark’s profile as a leader in environmental technology. Grants from MUDP alleviate part of the risk associated with developing green solutions and the Danish environmental technology of the future.

MUDP contributes to companies’ development of the market for their solutions through grants for development, testing and demonstration. A professional board consisting of 8 members, who are appointed by the Ministry of Environment, leads the MUDP and at least half of its members have a business background. Since its establishment in 2007, MUDP has supported a total of 540 development and demonstration projects with approx. DKK 740 million. In total, 650 different companies have participated in the projects that have received grants, and the companies themselves have invested approx. DKK 2 billion in the supported projects. In 2019, MUDP distributed approx. DKK 90 million.


GUDP is an abbreviation for ‘Green Development and Demonstration Programme’ and it is a programme managed by the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries of Denmark.

The purpose of GUDP is to support the green transformation of the food industry and the programme covers the entire value chain from primary production in agriculture, fisheries and aquaculture over technology development, processing etc. GUDP has a strong focus on the double bottom line meaning that all projects must have an effect on both green and economic sustainability.

GUDP has two annual applications rounds and in addition, special efforts are announced for e.g. ecology in separate application rounds.

A professional board leads the GUDP, which consists of members appointed by the business community, and they represent the breadth in the food, agriculture and fisheries industry.

Read more about GUDP on its website, where you, among other things, can find GUDP’s strategy and plan of action.

Programmes under the Innovation Fund

The Innovation Fund

The Innovation Fund has several entrances for applications regarding investments in bio-resources and the environment, including:

  • International projects
  • Grand solutions
  • Innomission
  • InnoBooster
  • InnoExplorer
  • InnoFounder

A law as of April 1st, 2014 established the Innovation Fund by a merger of the Strategic Research Council (DSF), the High Technology Foundation (HTF) and the Council for Technology and Innovation (RTI).

The Innovation Fund’s investments in bio-resources and the environment must support an effective green transition and the investment strategies for these areas can be found on the Fund’s website.

Programmes under the Ministry of Climate, Energy and Utilities


EUDP is an acronym for ‘Energy Technology Development and Demonstration Programme’.

EUDP is a public grant scheme that supports new technology in the energy field. The aim of the programme is to contribute to maintaining a high level of security of supply and reducing CO₂ emissions. EUDP provides grants for projects that support Denmark's objective of 70% CO₂ reduction by 2030 and climate neutrality by 2050. Since its establishment in 2007, EUDP has supported more than 1000 innovative projects with more than DKK 5 billion.

EUDP is funded by the Finance Act and the Research Reserve. In the 2018 Energy Agreement, the agreeing parties committed to a linear allocation of funds to reach an annual target of DKK 1 billion for green research, demonstration and development from 2024. In 2021, the EUDP will allocate DKK 500 million from the general pool. In addition, the EUDP manages a number of politically decided pools; in 2021 for around DKK 200 million.

Read more about the EUDP on its website:
